Cat Owners Tips For First-Time Owners

Cat Owners tips

If you are a first-time cat owner, it is important to make sure your new kitty is getting all of the essentials they need. After all, they are a loyal, loving pet.

Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to help your cat adjust to their new home. Whether you are just looking to give your furry friend some extra TLC or you are an experienced cat owner, we have got you covered.

Make Sure They Have a Litter Box

Cats need a safe and clean place to eliminate. A litter box is one of the best places to provide that.

A litter box should be big enough for a full-grown cat or cats and should be easy for them to get into and out of. A box with high sides or a fully enclosed design may not be suitable for some older cats or those with physical limitations, Richardson said.

For most cats, the ideal litter is one that is finely grained and unscented. Scoopable litters are also a good choice, as they’re easier to clean and allow a cat to bury her waste deeper than in traditional clay litter.

If a cat doesn’t like the smell of her litter box, she can become disinterested in it. Try playing with her near the box or leaving treats and toys for her to find in the area leading up to the box.

Make Sure They Have Food

One of the most important things you can do as a cat owner is make sure your feline friend has plenty of food. Feeding them regularly will ensure that they get the nutrition they need to stay healthy, avoid obesity and keep their immune system strong.

The most common foods for cats are dry kibble, canned food and meaty bones. Canned and dry kibbles are made by combining protein-rich meat with water, vitamins, and minerals and then heating them.

While dry kibbles are nutritious, many cats prefer the taste and texture of canned or wet food. These products are usually available in small cans that are easy for a cat to grab and eat.

Tinned fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe and honeydew are safe for cats as long as the skin and seeds are removed. They contain plenty of vitamins and minerals, plus the water in them helps balance your cat’s body water.

Make Sure They Have Water

Water is vital for a cat’s health. It helps keep the body temperature steady, regulates electrolyte concentrations, aids in digestion and lubricates joints.

Despite their thirstiness, cats don’t always drink enough to meet their needs. This can lead to dehydration, which can be a serious problem.

To ensure that your cat has access to water throughout the day, place multiple water bowls in different areas of your house. Clean these daily to avoid odors, dust, and hair.

It’s also recommended to avoid plastic water dishes since they can be hard to clean and can taint the water with bacteria. Try using ceramic, glass or metal bowls.

Make Sure They Have a Bed

A cat sleeps around 12-16 hours a day, and they need to have a comfy spot to doze in. A bed can provide this for cats.

It’s a good idea to pick a bed that is large enough for your cat to comfortably fit into, with raised sides to make it warm and cozy. A blanket or towel can also be placed on the bed to keep your cat cozy.

If your cat isn’t used to sleeping on a bed, it may take some time for them to get comfortable. To make the transition easier, try luring them to the bed with something that will make them excited, such as treats, a favorite toy, or catnip.

Cats have a strong sense of smell, and they are usually drawn to a place that has a familiar scent. A new bed, however, might have a fresh-out-of-the-factory smell that your cat isn’t accustomed to. This is why it’s important to wash a new bed before introducing it to your cat.

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