Cat Nails Care Tips

Cat Nails Care

Most cats need their nails clipped regularly to keep them healthy and reduce the risk of paw injuries. However, clipping nails is not always an easy task for cat owners.

First, you need to determine how much needs to be trimmed. The basic rule of thumb is that whatever curls downward should be even with the paw pad.

Cut the White Part of the Nail

Cat nails can be very painful if you don’t care for them properly. If your pet is not comfortable, you should always visit a vet for professional nail trimming services.

When you trim your cat’s nails, the most important thing is to cut only the white part of the nail. This is the sharp, white tip that lies just behind the pink center of the nail.

If you accidentally cut into this area, your cat’s nails will likely bleed. This is because there’s a blood vessel and nerve ending in the quick.

You can stop the bleeding by applying a clotting agent, such as styptic powder. This can be found at most pet stores or you can also use cornstarch or flour to help the bleeding stop.

Don’t Cut to the Quick

The quick is a pink area on your cat’s nail where blood vessels and nerve endings lie. Cutting to this part can cause bleeding and pain.

To avoid this, clip the white part of the nail but only a very small amount. If the nail does bleed, apply a bit of styptic powder or cornstarch to the wound and call your vet for assistance.

Before you begin the procedure, get your cat used to having their paws handled by doing a paw massage and putting them in a comfortable position. This will make the experience less stressful for both of you.

Eventually, you’ll be able to trim the nails without too much trouble. To keep your pet from becoming anxious or angry, be sure to take breaks and only cut a few nails at a time. Rewarding your pet with treats, cuddles, playtime or anything else that will help them feel positive about the nail trimming process can be a great way to keep them calm.

Don’t Be Afraid to Bleed

Regardless of how tough and resilient your cat’s nails look, they’re actually pretty delicate. In fact, cutting them the wrong way can be painful for your pet.

That’s why, when caring for your feline friend’s nails, it’s essential to be brave. This will help you get the job done without causing any unnecessary pain or distress.

To start, find a comfortable place to sit and hold your cat still in your lap. Then, slowly and gently press on one of their paws until it comes out of its sheath.

Find a Comfortable Position

When cutting a cat’s nails, you need to find a position that is comfortable for your pet. This is especially important if your cat has a tendency to squirm when you hold them.

For example, many cats enjoy being held over the shoulder while you stroke their head and back. Others like to be held on their backs with one hand on the rump and the other holding their hind legs.

Another way to trim a cat’s nails is by allowing them to rest on your lap. This is beneficial to many cats because it helps them relax and feel safe, ASPCA veterinarian Dr. Yin told CBS News.

Ideally, introduce your cat to nail clipping when they’re a kitten. This is when they are relaxed and sleepy, groggy in their after-meal state.

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