Cat Hair Care – How to Take Care of Your Cat’s Hair

Cat Hair Care

Taking care of your cat’s hair is an important part of pet maintenance. It helps prevent mats, and it can also keep them smelling fresh and clean.

Brushing is an essential part of feline grooming and should be done a minimum of 1-2 times per week. Gentle brushing also stimulates the skin, and removes dead hair from the fur and dander from their coat.


Brushing your cat helps remove dirt, dander and skin flakes that cause infections. It also promotes blood circulation in the hair and skin which keeps them healthy and shiny.

The best cat brushes help to remove tangles, dirt and excess hair from your cat’s coat and skin. They also stimulate the glands in their fur which produce natural oils that protect and waterproof the coat.

Before you start grooming your cat, it is a good idea to carry out a body check to spot any areas where there are tangles or bumps that may be signs of fleas or ticks. This will prevent you from accidentally hurting your pet and ensure their health isn’t at risk.

Then slowly begin to introduce the cat brush into their routine, starting with the back and top of their head. Once your cat has gotten used to the feel of the brush, gradually move onto more sensitive areas like their tummy and tail. Once they have mastered this, reward them with a tasty treat afterwards to associate the experience with something positive.


Bathing is a necessity for some cats who aren’t able to groom themselves effectively, such as senior kitties or those with mobility issues. It can also help eliminate mites and fleas.

Generally, most cats don’t need a bath unless they are particularly dirty or if they are having problems with their skin. A pet professional can check for these reasons and recommend a bath if necessary.

If your cat is having trouble with the idea of a bath, you might want to try to schedule it during times when they are calm and relaxed. You might also want to reassure them and offer treats to make it less stressful for them.

You should assemble all the tools you’ll need ahead of time and get someone else to help you if possible. You should also avoid running water when you are bathing a cat as it can cause stress and irritation. A non-slip mat may be helpful as well.


A good trim can help keep a cat’s fur healthy and prevent matting. Regular grooming will also remove loose hair and prevent tangling.

Trimming also reduces the likelihood of hairballs.

Some cats have trouble with grooming themselves or are prone to matting so you may need to clip their coat periodically to maintain its health.

You can use a wide-toothed comb to brush your cat’s fur in a circular motion, starting with the top of their head and moving down. It is important to move the comb slowly so that you don’t damage your cat’s ears, mouth, eye lashes or whiskers.

Once your cat has a nice and shiny coat, you can then start the process of trimming it. You can do this yourself or hire a professional groomer to do it for you.


A cat groomer uses clippers to shave the fur down to the skin. This can be done in a variety of styles, including a lion cut (where the cat’s body is shaved but the head, ruff and tail are left fluffy), a teddy bear clip or pajama clip.

A lion clip is a good alternative to a full shave or trim, as it helps reduce shedding and hairballs. However, it’s still not recommended for home use because cats can become extremely agitated during the grooming process and can end up hurt or even killed when they are shaved.

Some pet owners choose to shave their cat to help them manage excessive shedding, particularly during the summer months when they shed most. Some also shave to deal with severe matts that cannot be removed through brushing or other methods.

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