Cat Hair Care – How to Properly Care For Your Cat’s Coat

Cat Hair Care

Regular grooming will keep your cat’s coat healthy and smelling fresh. It also gives you a chance to check for ticks, fleas, skin issues, abnormal shedding and unusual bumps.

Brush your cat in short sessions, focusing on specific areas at a time to loosen any tangles that may have formed. This will make the process easier for both you and your pet.


Brushing your cat’s hair helps to keep them clean, healthy and smelling fresh. It also prevents dander (dried flakes of skin) and reduces hairballs in cats.

The first step is to find a brush that works for your kitty’s coat type. There are a few types to choose from, including slicker brushes, which have spaced-out metal teeth that work well to remove dirt and dander.

Most long-haired cats need daily brushing to keep their coats clean and free from matts and tangles. For short-haired cats, it’s best to brush them once or twice a week during shedding season.

If you’re unsure which brush is best for your cat, ask your veterinarian or groomer for advice.

Some cats hate being brushed and this can be a sign that they have a bad experience with grooming in the past. Firstly, try to find out what that was and get them into a routine of being brushed on their own terms. Then, reward them with something they love after each brushing session so that they associate being brushed with more love from you.


Bathing can be an essential part of cat hair care, especially if your cat has long matted fur. Then it is important to remove as much of the fur as possible and dry it off as well as possible.

Another reason to bathe your cat is if they have picked up pests like fleas, mites, ticks or lice that can be very uncomfortable and may cause infection or disease. These insects are an annoyance to cats and it is important to get them removed as soon as possible.

Often, bathing is not an enjoyable experience for cats as they are scared of water and find it a stressful experience. However, it can be made less scary for both you and your cat if it is handled properly.


Trimming is one of the most beneficial ways to care for your cat’s fur. Not only will it help keep your pet looking beautiful, but it will also reduce the chances of them developing skin problems that can result in hairballs.

However, not all cats will agree to be trimmed, so it’s best to know your pet before you begin. Make sure they have a comfortable place to sit or a quiet corner to relax in before you start clipping, and make short pauses between cuts so they can get used to the experience.

It’s important to be very careful when trimming, especially if you have matted fur or burrs. If you cut too deep, you may cut into your pet’s skin or paw pads. If this happens, take your pet to a groomer or vet for veterinary help.

Undercoat Removal

The undercoat is a soft, downy hair that grows closest to your cat’s skin. It is the main source of insulation, keeping them warm in winter and cool in summer.

When grooming your cat, it is important to remove all of the loose fur from their undercoat so that they don’t shed as much. This will help them look and feel their best.

A good undercoat deShedding tool should be able to safely remove all of your pet’s undercoat and loose hair. Fortunately, there are FURminator tools that do just this.

These tools have a curved edge that conforms to your pet’s body shape for comfort and a SkinGuard(r) to glide over their skin, preventing the tool from digging in at edges and causing discomfort. The stainless steel deShedding edge reaches through your pet’s topcoat to safely and effectively remove loose hair and undercoat.

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